Bundy Reunion
How the Reunion Works!
An annual event and a family this large cannot function on it's own, which is why many people are involved in keeping the family connected and planning the Bundy Reunion.
Each of the nine children listed on the HISTORY page has at least one descendant who is elected by the other family members as a representative, or "head of family".
These 9 representatives form a committee, ensuring that each family has a voice.
To keep things running smoothly, there is also a Reunion President who is elected during the Reunion. They serve a 4-year term (2 years as Vice President and 2 years as President), overseeing the planning and organization of the reunion each year.
Below, you can learn more about each position and the committee:
Reunion Presidency
President 2024-25
Isaac Bundy
Organizes the reunion, runs it, and makes sure everything goes according to plan.
Vice President 2024-25
Chase Christy
Conducts closing ceremonies, assists the president in running the reunion. Assists President as needed.
Reunion Secretary:
Anilee Adams
Keeps minutes of presidency meetings, assists the President as needed.
Family Organization
(each position is held for 10 years)
Chairman of the Board of Directors:
Jimmie Hughes
The Chairman of the Board conducts the meetings of the board and does not have a vote in any of the decisions made, unless a tie needs to be broken.

Corporate Secretary:
Darillyn Southworth

The secretary takes all the meeting minutes, sends out meeting information, and keeps all other meeting records. Because the family is a registered corporation with the state, the secretary files an annual report, and always remains the 3rd signature on the checking account. The secretary has no authority to to make a motion or vote but is a vital part of the committee.
Family Treasurer:
SuTanna Youd
Manages the family fund, collects
dues, and writes checks on behalf
of the organization.
Committee Chair Coach:
Kayleen Potter
Arranges for, and informs
event coordinators of their responsibilities.
Amber Bundy
Manages the website, social media and sends newsletters.
Join our Facebook page HERE
Sign up for Newsletter HERE
Power Master:
Brad Layton
Barry Schultz
Water Master:
Chase Christy
Talen Bundy
Heads of Families
Lillie: Trevor Iverson tiverson6487@gmail.com, 435-215-9710
Roy: Mandy Taylor amanda.taylor02@yahoo.com, 435-668-2742
James: Natali Button buttonnatali@gmail.com, 435-689-1781
Omer: Zach Bundy bundycoating@gmail.com, 435-287-6904
Wade Peabody wadepeabody@gmail.com, 801-599-9333
Ina: Benjamin Schultz benjamin.schultz91@gmail.com, 702-373-3515
Pat: TaLu Beachum lu2krb@gmail.com, 435-632-6783
Chet: Bryndy Hughes bryndyhughesj@gmail.com, 435-668-2574
Kaydn Ence kaydnence@gmail.com, 435-668-2574
Edna: Jynice Smith jbsmith0913@gmail.com, 435-310-0847
Mamie: Jennifer Bertagnole jenniferbert@gmail.com, 801-695-5134
The heads of families are elected by the other members of their families during the reunion, the family can decide who they want to represent them. The heads of families meet quarterly to discuss and vote on things that can be improved at the reunion. They keep family lists and location of family members worldwide. They also keep track of both living and historical family records.

Family History Co-Chair:
Marjorie Holt
Family histories are a great resource for learning about ancestors and providing your own story that future generations will turn to as a source of faith and inspiration. The Co-Chairs of Family History also conduct the "reminiscing" event at the reunion.
For more information about family history, contact:
Family History Co-Chair:
Sasha Nielson
Family histories are a great resource for learning about ancestors and providing your own story that future generations will turn to as a source of faith and inspiration. The Co-Chairs of Family History also conduct the "reminiscing" event at the reunion.
For more information about family history, contact:
100 Year Celebration:
Clay & Carol Bundy
The Centennial celebration of the Settlement of Mt. Trumbull, AZ.
Event was held at the Arizona Strip Schoolhouse.
Sat. September 3rd, 2016
12:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
We enjoyed Dutch Oven cooking, re-enactments of the settlers, demonstrations, and booths!
Thanks Clay & Carol for a wonderful celebration!
Family History Committee:
Lillie: Travis Christy tdchristy85@gmail.com, 435-680-0895
Roy: Braidy Davidson braidybundy@yahoo.com, 435-680-0916
James: Lisa Bundy lrbndy@yahoo.com, 801-557-1521
Omer: Debbie Hardy cdhardy@infowest.com
Ina: Janet Spendlove jwspendlove18@embarqmail.com, 702-275-4919
Pat: Patsy Bundy grandma.p@me.com, 435-272-2339
Chet: Marissa Schwicht marissapotter44@gmail.com, 435-256-1542
Edna: Jilene Gubler punkindoodlesj@gmail.com, 435-680-0646
Mamie: Jennifer Bertagnole jenniferbert@gmail.com, 801-695-5134
Family History Co-Chairs:
Marjorie Holt mdbbundyholt@gmail.com, 435-231-4955
Sasha Nielson bandsn@gmail.com, 435-773-7622
Lillie - Red
Roy - Yellow
James - Green
Omer - Gray
Ina - Orange
Mamie - Pink
Pat - Brown
Chet - Blue
Edna - Purple
Get involved in your family!
You really can make a big difference in the family and in the world.
Ashley Shelton, a geographer and descendant of Abraham Bundy, made some unique and interesting maps showing the spread of Abraham's descendants across the country. Each dot is colored by family line. Look how much we've grown, we span the nation!
Another map shows the influence that the descendants of Roy Bundy have had on the world. To see what an influence we have in the world, check out more of the maps HERE.