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Bundy Reunion

Abraham and Ella Bundy: Westward Bound!
Omer "Dick" Bundy
Born: November 30, 1891

Ina Bundy Gifford
Born: March 29, 1894

Mamie Bundy
Born: June 18, 1896

Notes and more history:
Bundy Reunion July 21, 1956 - Song "You Can Make the Pathway Bright", Prayer Atwood Bundy.
Clarence Bundy spoke of Grandpa's Geneo: ran some names over or around 333.
He also spoke of having some by laws. A name for the gathering, or organization such as "Abraham Bundy Family Organization." It was voted upon as settled as such.
Sheldon Gifford read from a Geneo: handbook some rules that must be keep and done. Officers must be elected a Pres: 2 or more counselors, Sect: + a Genealogist.
Some by laws was read. Then voted on and passed. The by laws must be read by each officer so as to understand his or her duties. It was suggested that each pay a dollar for membership. Others suggested $5.00 for the first year.
It was voted and passed that a membership fee of $2.50 be paid, and a dollar per person over 16 be paid each year there after.
It was decided that one should be present before being voted in any office or consulted. It was voted that the person who is to be a president must be present. Not necessary for other officers.
1st nominated Clarence Bundy 22
2nd Sheldon Gifford 10
3rd Atwood Bundy 2
Nomanations closed 34 Total
Is anyone apposed to the acclamation of Sheldon being first counselor, and Atwood Bundy being second. No oppostion. So it stands as suggested.
Secretary of Treasure voted on
Josphine Bundy 9
Betty Ann Bundy 7
Sallie Bundy 14
A Historian to be voted on
Chloe Bundy 18
Betty Ann Bundy 6
Avenell Gifford 3
Geneologist and Family Representive, Ina Gifford entire group.
The date set for the next meeting was set at the third weekend in July.
Program and recreation Committee
Genavieve Bundy
Josphine Bundy
Gwendol Bundy
Closing Prayer - Nina Vee Hughes.
1956 - President Clarence Bundy
1957 - Acting President Ben Bundy
1958 - President Clarence Bundy
1959 - Elwin Jones
1960 - Acting President Omer Gifford
1961 - President Omer Gifford - Held at Duck Creek Area, on Cedar Mountain, Utah
1962 - President Newell Bundy
1963 - Merlin Bundy (Voted to keep President in for 2 years)
1964 - 275 Bundys attended, 21 Guests for a total of 296 "It Rained a lot"
1965 - Merlin Bundy President
1966 - Nathan Gifford President
1967 - Nathan Gifford President 261 Bundys (38 VanLeuvans) and 14 Visitors 313 total
1968 - Nathan Gifford President (voted to have vice president become president after two years) 635 Descendants living & dead counted
1969 - President Clay Hymer. Land purchase was discussed. Ben and C.M. Bundy each donated 10 acres to the Bundy Family Organization with reserved grazing rights.
1970 - Clay Hymer President. Two new "Little Houses" were added. Family Reps were designated. Each member was assessed $10 for improvements.
1971 - President Garth Bundy President (394 present)
1972 - President Garth Bundy
1973 - Atwood Bundy President
1974 - Atwood Bundy President
1975 - ?
1976 - ?
1977 - Ivor Jones President
1978 - Ivor Jones President
1979 - Orvel Bundy President
1980 - Orvel Bundy President
1981 - Clayon Bundy President
1982 - Ed Bundy President
1983 - Ed Bundy President
1984 - Lawrence (Dale) Iverson President
1985 - Lawrence (Dale) Iverson President
1986 - Bill Bundy President
1987 - Bill Bundy President
1988 - Dennis May President
1989 - Dennis May President
1990 - Larry Iverson President
1991 - Larry Iverson President
1992 - Clay Bundy President
1993 - Clay Bundy President
1994 - Danny Bundy President
1995 - Danny Bundy President
1996 - Margaret Bundy Houston - President (40 years celebration) First Woman President
1997 - Margaret Bundy Houston -
1998 - President Kendell Bundy
1999 - President Kendell Bundy
2000 - Wendel Bundy President
2001 - Wendel Bundy President
2002 - Barry Bundy President
2003 - Barry Bundy President
2004 - Chuck Hughes President
2005 - Chuck Hughes President
2006 - Mont Bundy President - 927 family members, 91 visitors (1018 Total) 50 years of Reunions!!
2007 - Mont Bundy President
2008 - Ryan Bundy President
2009 - Ryan Bundy President - 1,069 family members, 101 visitors (1,170 Total)
2010 - Jimmy Hughes President
2011 - Jimmy Hughes President
2012 - Jason Bundy President
2013 - Jason Bundy President
2014 - Kayleen Bundy Potter President, - added the website: Mikelle Bundy Despain took us into the digital age with invitations & online t-shirt ordering, emailed newsletters, and family facebook page.
2015 - Kayleen Bundy Potter, President t-shirts ordered online only.
2016 - Monty Bundy President - 100 years since the Bundy's homesteaded "Cactus Flat" A Return to the Homestead is Planned! Everyone Come Sat. Sept. 3rd 12:00p.m. - 6:30 p.m. at the Schoolhouse for food, re-enactments, tours, and more!
2017 - Monty Bundy President
2018 - Talen Bundy President
2019 - Talen Bundy President
2020- Logan Reid President
2021 - Logan Reid President
2022- Justin Bundy President
2023 - Justin Bundy President
2024 - Isaac Bundy President
2025 - Isaac Bundy President
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